บทคัดย่อ ( Abstract )
The percentage dry rubber content (%DRC), weight of solid rubber content in fresh latex, has been used to determine the quality and market value of latex. However, measurement method for %DRC investigation needs to be developed. This paper proposed a new accurate, rapid and portable system for measuring the %DRC in natural rubber latex using a fiber optic sensor. The measurement system exploits the refractive properties of light in natural rubber as a function of %DRC. The U-shaped optical fiber accurately classified the refractive index of light after refraction and transmission in latex. The refractive index was detected in the form of intensity and converted to electrical voltage. Finally, the voltage signal was computed into %DRC by using a standard equation previously programmed to the microcontroller. The measurement had a 3.47% mean error in voltage, and a 3.40% mean error in correlation to the standard method. Moreover, %DRC measuring from this system was found to be fast (within a few minutes) and stable with temperature change. Determination of %DRC of latex collected from the field is reasonable to be directly used with this technique.
เอกสารโครงการ( Paper )
ผู้เขียน ( Authors )
- ครรชิต กำลังกล้า
- ชุติมา อุปถัมป์
- ฉัตรชัย พะวงษ์
2023-05-22 03:06:12