
  • สวรักษ์ จันทรเทพธิมากุล
  • สาขา เทคโนโลยีและการจัดการความปลอดภัยของอาหาร
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  • savarak.c@rmutk.ac.th

ชื่องานวิจัย ( Article Name)

Physical Properties of Dried Fermented Noodle (Kanom-Jeen) Made from Organic Niang Guang Rice

บทคัดย่อ ( Abstract )

Physico-chemical properties of organic Niang Guang rice flours and physical properties of fermented rice noodles were measured. The fermented rice flour showed lower values in pasting property parameters than those of the unfermented flour, especially breakdown viscosity and setback viscosity. The work to maximum load was used to explain the texture of dried noodles. The values showed a significant increase with the amount of added tapioca starch. The texture profile analysis parameters were used to explain the texture of boiled noodles. It was found that the amount of added tapioca starch resulted in a significant increase in cohesiveness and springiness index values, while decreasing hardness, chewiness, and adhesive force values. Compared to a commercial noodle, the addition of tapioca starch in the amount of 10% tended to bring the texture values of boiled noodles closer to the commercial noodle.

เอกสารวิจัย ( Paper )


ผู้เขียน ( Authors )

  • Kanitta Boonfueng
  • Piyatida Na-Pattalung
  • Roumchon Watcharakasemsin
  • Savarak Chantaratheptimakul
  • Sukanya Wichchukit