
ชื่องานวิจัย ( Article Name)

The chromosomal homology between dusky langur (Trachypithecus obscurus Ried, 1837) and human (Homo sapiens) revealed by chromosome painting

บทคัดย่อ ( Abstract )

The presnt study provides illustated characterization of the chromosomal rearrangement of the male dusky langur (Trachypithecus obscurus Ried, 1837; TOB) using Chromosome Painting technique. Ear tissues specimen collection was kindly provided by Songkla Zoo, Songkla province, Thailand. The fibroblast cells were cultured and cryopreserved after that all 24 Human chromosome-specific probes (22 autosomes, X and Y) were hybridized in situ to the TOB mitotic cells and captured and analyzed by GENUS software. The results showed that the TOB chromosomes were highly rearranged compared to the 30 conserved regions of human chromosomes of different sizes. Majority, TOB chromosomes, such as TOB chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, X and Y which were homologous to only one human chromosome, are conserved. Some of those were constituted of regions being two TOB chromosomes that composed one of HSA homologous regions or one TOB chromosomes homologous to two human chromosomes. This is the first report of molecular cytogenetics on TOB using all 24 human chromosome-specific probes. The chromosome mappingis useful for a comparisonof Langur either in the same or other genus that had been reported to elucidate and clarify evolutionary relationship of primates shared by the same common ancestor.

เอกสารวิจัย ( Paper )


ผู้เขียน ( Authors )

  • Weera Thongnetr · Wiwat Sangpakdee · Alongklod Tanomtong · Wenhui Nie · Sayam Raso · Krit Pinthong