ชื่องานวิจัย ( Article Name )
Integrating the Art of Dvaravati in Teaching Furniture Design Course.
บทคัดย่อ ( Abstract )
Dvaravati art is a form of artistic work originating from Thailand. Dvaravati flourished from the Dvaravati era of Thai history from BC. 6th to the 13th century. Furniture design for mass. (Course code 2-334-405) 3 credits. (1-4-2) The course is in the profession category of the graduate technology program. Furniture Technology and Design, Faculty of Science and Technology Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep. The teaching team introduced the art of Dvaravati as a teaching medium in the course. The instructor assigned the students to study the art form of Dvaravati from various sources. The instructors assigned students to study Dvaravati art forms from various sources, such as library research centers and researching through information retrived through website and internet. Students were assigned one week in advance of enrollment. When the time of the lecture, a brief lecture on Dvaravati art forms. Before starting the procedure furniture. Design process with the concept of fine art in Dvaravati , there were steps concerned, Step 1 copy & paste, step 2 cut & select, step 3 design & development and step 4 brief & sketch design. The integration of Dvaravati beauty in Furniture designs for mass media course is brought the beauty of the past to the learning process and the students experienced the beauty of the prosperous Dvaravati. This was because of the greater care of Thai culture. In addition, the students can develop their skills and experiences in design conce
เเอกสารบทความวิจัย ( Paper )
ผู้เขียน ( Authors )
- วิชัย พรมาลัยรุ่งเรือง
- ธนวรรณ เวียงสีมา
- กิตติ จรินทร์ทอง
ข้อมูลวารสาร ( Proceeding Infomation )
ICAC 2019: The 9th International Conference on Art and Culture Network
หน่วยงาน / องค์กรที่จัดประชุม
Office of Art and Culture, Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University
Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University
จังหวัด / รัฐ
Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
ตั้งแต่วันที่ Feb 23, 2562 ถึงวันที่ Feb 23, 2562
2019-02-23 09:27:36