
  • ผศ. รุ่งทิวา เสาร์สิงห์
  • Rungtiva Saosing
  • สาขา เทคโนโลยีการถ่ายภาพและภาพยนตร์
  • -
  • rungtiva.s@rmutk.ac.th

ชื่องานวิจัย ( Article Name)

Factor Analysis of Service Quality of Website Online Mentoring Model that Affected on Learning which Perceptions of Undergraduate

บทคัดย่อ ( Abstract )

The purpose of this research was to analyze the factors of service quality of website online mentoring model that affected on learning which perceptions of undergraduate. The 287 samples were selected by the simple random sampling from Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep in first semester of the academic year 2010. The sample size was determined by using Taro Yamane’s formular with the significant level of 0.05. The instrument of this study consisted of forty-item questionnaire of five rating scale which Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient was at 0.92. The results from 275 questionnaires were analyze factors by SPSS Program by using Principal Component Analysis Technique and Orthogonal Rotation by Varimax Method were five factors : 1) orientation session 2) mentoring session 3) online communication session 4) post training session and 5) evaluate session. Their cumulative variance was 54.7 percent of the total. The results revealed that forty-index of five factors have satisfaction was at high and higher level ( 4.39-4.74).

เอกสารวิจัย ( Paper )


ผู้เขียน ( Authors )

  • รุ่งทิวา เสาร์สิงห์