
  • ผศ. รุ่งทิวา เสาร์สิงห์
  • Rungtiva Saosing
  • สาขา เทคโนโลยีการถ่ายภาพและภาพยนตร์
  • -
  • rungtiva.s@rmutk.ac.th

ชื่องานวิจัย ( Article Name)

The Development of Animation Film “I’m not embarrassed, but I’m Phobia”

บทคัดย่อ ( Abstract )

The objectives of the study are 1) to develop the animation film "I'm not embarrassed, but I'm Phobia", 2) to study the perception of social phobia, and 3) to study the audience's satisfaction towards the animated film. Using purposive and snowball sampling, a sample of 403 secondary school students in the academic year 2021. The research instruments are 1) a developed animation film; 2) a questionnaire for the content perception of the audience, a confidence value of .68; and 3) a questionnaire for audience satisfaction, a confidence value of .65. The statistics used to analyze the data are average and standard deviation. The study found that 1) the overall assessment of animation cartoon by experts was the highest, with an average of 4.58; the assessment of the audience's perception of social phobia content from animation film was high, with an average of 4.50; and the evaluation of the audience's satisfaction with the animation film was the highest, with an average of 4.55.

เอกสารวิจัย ( Paper )


ผู้เขียน ( Authors )

  • Rungtiva Saosing
  • Prapaporn Sangsuwan
  • Thanawat Viriyapreecha
  • Thanyathorn Pathananukulpong