
  • ผศ. รุ่งทิวา เสาร์สิงห์
  • Rungtiva Saosing
  • สาขา เทคโนโลยีการถ่ายภาพและภาพยนตร์
  • -
  • rungtiva.s@rmutk.ac.th

ชื่องานวิจัย ( Article Name)

The Development of the Animation “How to Dispose of the Louse?” for the Students with Hearing Impair

บทคัดย่อ ( Abstract )

The study aims at 1) to assess the quality of the developed animation media, 2) to compare learning outcomes of pre-learning to post-learning of animation media, and 3) to study student satisfaction with animation media. The samples group are primary school grade 1 students at Thungmahamek School for the Deaf in Bangkok, purposively sampling for 16 students. Research instruments are as follows. 1) Developed Animation Media, 2) Animation media quality assessment, 3) Evaluation form for pre-learning and post-learning of animation media content, and 4) Satisfaction evaluation form. The confidence assessment uses the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient analysis. The statistics used to analyze the data are percentage, average, standard deviation, and t-test. The study showed the following. 1) The overall assessment of animation media by experts at a highly appreciated, averaged mean equal to 4.16. 2) The learning achievements have a higher average post-learning than the average pre-learning score, significantly at .05. 3) Assessment of student satisfaction with animation media at a highly appreciated, averaged mean equal to 4.17.

เอกสารวิจัย ( Paper )


ผู้เขียน ( Authors )

  • Rungtiva Saosing
  • Prapaporn Sangsuvan
  • Ithinath Tantivitittapong
  • Sukanya Piboonsang